Classes and Tuition
If you would like a more detailed information packet, have any questions, would like to register for classes, please call our office at 412-486-5591 or email us at
“Konnections to Kindergarten”
Our Pre-K curriculum uses the PA Early Learning Standards and has incorporated all the skills needed for a successful entry into the area school district Kindergarten programs. Hampton, North Hills, North Allegheny and Shaler Area school districts have all offered information about what developmental skills they look for in children entering their Kindergarten program and what skills provide success for the children in this exciting beginning of compulsory education. Our Pre-K teachers work on these skills daily.
Pre-K Class – This class is offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. The children in this class will work on Kindergarten readiness skills, such as pre-reading, pre-writing and math, as they continue to get individual attention while working in smaller groups. They will have the opportunity to develop themes for dramatic play and work together to plan projects and carry them out co-operatively. Music and science resource teachers are a part of this curriculum. Children in this program must turn five years of age by March 31, 2023. The ratio of staff to student is 1:8. This ratio is smaller than that required by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services which licenses early childhood education programs.
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT – The music and movement program is a weekly part of the four and five-year-old classes. This program builds on elements of music theory, structured and creative movement, instrumental playing and music appreciation. These are all presented in a child friendly format of interactive learning through singing, movement, games and improvisation using high quality children’s music.
SCIENCE RESOURCE – The science program is a weekly part of the four and five-year-old classes. The science program encourages creative problem solving, questioning and formulating hypotheses. Utilizing the resources of the Carnegie Museum, the children learn about many varied subjects, such as density, hibernation and metamorphosis.
STREAM AHEAD – An optional, one day a week class for children who are in the 4day/Pre-K classes, this program is held on Fridays from 12:30-3:00 p.m. STREAM AHEAD is an enrichment class full of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) activities. This class offers our Pre-K students more opportunities to explore these concepts by using hands-on active, exploration of weekly themes and project based work. STREAM Day helps children build a foundation of science-related knowledge using the arts.
Children in the Pre-K class will be offered a totally new curriculum based on the development and needs of child who will be attending Kindergarten the following year.
The class size allows the children to get use to large group activities but continue to get individual attention working in small groups for language activities, science, music and art.
Children will have time to interact socially. Four and five-year-olds can develop themes for dramatic play and work together to make plans for projects and carry them out co-operatively.
- Language Arts
- Speaking
- Group discussion
- Learn to take turns
- Vocabulary grows as they discuss units or themes
- Listening
- Listen to stories, discuss characters and what happened, how problems are solved
- Make experience charts and eventually dictate their own stories to their teachers
- Pre-writing
- Learn about shapes, lines, and circles
- Examine letters and look how they are made
- Opportunities to copy words, write letters and practice writing their name
- Alphabet books, puzzles, games will be used to facilitate learning
- Pre-reading
- Experience listening to stories
- Use flannel board, puppet experience, sequence of events, interaction of characters and eventually write and dictate their own stories
- Numbers
- Learn that numbers are used to describe quantities and relationships and are useful tools for getting information about the world they live in
- Count class members, snacks, blocks, characters in stories, steps
- Make their own number books
- Measurement
- Observe and discuss how big, tall, small objects are
- Measure and chart their experiences
- Pattern
- Look for patterns in daily life, in design, in sequence of events
- Geometry and Spacial Sense
- Learn about our own space and the needs of others
- Use tactile experience to fill space
- Speaking
- Creative Arts
- Art
- Use many kinds of material for creating
- 80% of 5 year olds draw knowing what they want to create
- Study patterns and design
- Be exposed to the work of many artists and illustrators
- Be responsible for getting equipment and putting it away
- Music
- Experience music by singing, listening, moving
- Play and make instruments
- Create simple songs
- Science
- The 5 year olds will continue to explore and learn about their natural environment
- Learn the basic skills of observation, inference and prediction
- Meet with our Resource teacher once a week
- Health and Safety
- Demonstrate self-care skills
- Cleanliness – wash face and hands
- Learn about proper nutrition
- Understand Safety Rules
- Identify full name and address and phone number
- Traffic Safety
- Identify traffic signs
- Discuss safety in cars
- Bike safety
- Weekday Specials
- Science
- Music and Movement
- Library Day
- Bike Day
- Show and Tell
- Art
Practicing for kindergarten! Individualized instruction with teachers!
Lots of fun exploring natural items!
Watching Governor Wolf and First Lady Wolf welcoming the children to a "virtual" egg hunt event!